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2022 Uniform Fitting and Ordering

By Jr Phoenix Baseball, 01/25/22, 2:00PM CST


Orders due by 1/31/22. Try on items at the facility if needed.

Fitting for uniforms will take place 1/24-1/31.  Please come in before or after your player's practice within the next week. 

EACH PLAYER will need to fill out a sheet with their uniform information and turn it into their head coach this next week.  Please include payment (cash or check to MFJP Baseball) for any items being purchased.  It is VERY important this gets done this week, with the supply chain issues we need to get our orders in.

Please follow this link to download a copy of the form.  There are also copies at the facility.    Please write clearly and be sure to fill out all applicable areas on the form.

JERSEYS-  NEW players get FREE jerseys – please circle size.  RETURNING players – use previous year's jerseys – IF THEY DO NOT FIT YOU MUST PURCHASE NEW JERSEYS, please include payment if this applies.

HATS – each player gets a new FREE hat – please circle the correct size.  To purchase any extra hats, the cost is $20, please list the size and include payment.

PANTS – each player gets one FREE pair, please circle the correct size AND type of bottom.  To purchase any extra pants, please advise the size and type of bottom and include payment

HELMETS – these are NOT included in your fees.  If you would like to purchase one for $25 please circle and include payment.

SOCKS – each player gets two pairs of FREE socks (one black and one burgundy), please CIRCLE the size needed, this is based off player shoe size.

STICKERS/DECALS – you can buy a player number, age group or entire set, please circle accordingly.